- splanchnocranium
- спланхнокраниум* * *• спланхнокраниум• сплахнокраниум
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
splanchnocranium — (plural splanchnocrania)) the portion of the skull derived from the visceral arches and composed of endochondral bone and cartilage. Also called viscerocranium … Dictionary of ichthyology
splanchnocranium — SYN: viscerocranium. * * * splanch·no·cra·ni·um .splaŋk nō krā nē əm n, pl ni·ums or nia nē ə the portion of the skull that arises from the first three branchial arches and forms the supporting structure of the jaws * * * n. the part of the skull … Medical dictionary
splanchnocranium — splanch·no·cranium … English syllables
splanchnocranium — n. the part of the skull that is derived from the pharyngeal arches, i.e. the mandible (lower jaw) … The new mediacal dictionary
splanchnocranium — |splaŋknə+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from splanchno + cranium : the portion of the skull that arises from the first three visceral arches and forms the supporting structure of the jaws called also viscerocranium; compare neurocranium … Useful english dictionary
Спланхнокраниум (Splanchnocranium) — часть черепа, развивающаяся из вторых жаберных дуг (нижняя челюсть). Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
СПЛАНХНОКРАНИУМ — (splanchnocranium) часть черепа, развивающаяся из вторых жаберных дуг (нижняя челюсть) … Толковый словарь по медицине
Fischschädel — Schematischer Bau des Tiefseefisches Anoplogaster cornuta (Anoplogastridae). Skelettteile nach einem Radiogramm: 1 Radien der Schwanzflosse, 2 der Rückenflosse, 3 Wirbel, 4 Schultergürtel, davor (hell) der schmale Kiemendeckel, (dunkel) der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
viscerocranium — That part of the skull derived from the embryonic pharyngeal arches; it comprises the facial bones of the facial skeleton (under bone) and is distinct from that part of the skull which forms the neurocranium or braincase. SYN … Medical dictionary
Human skull — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = | GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Human skulls side simplified Caption2 = Human skull front bones Precursor = System = Artery = Vein = Nerve = Lymph = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = s 13… … Wikipedia
череп лицевой — (с. viscerale, BNA; splanchnocranium; син.: спланхнокран, Ч. висцеральный) отдел Ч., образующий костную основу лица; состоит из верхней и нижней челюстей, парных носовых, слезных, небных, скуловых костей и нижних раковин, непарного сошника, а… … Большой медицинский словарь